Thank You For Your Service

Has anyone else out there experienced a sort of psycho-emotional whiplash from the cynically faustian scheme that is RAINBOW CAPITALISM? It feels like the fairly fucking homophobic 1990s were only yesterday; meanwhile, here we are in late capitalism, where big business never met a market it couldn’t target. I’m still in the process of getting over the fear, confusion, and self-loathing caused by the discriminatory (and bipartisan!) anti-gay legislation of my youth, as The Brands continue to fall all over themselves to affix rainbow decals to the products of slave labor.

It turns out, the same aspects of my being that would’ve marked me for social ostracism no longer disqualify me from having my intelligence insulted by marketing departments. Also, any argument that public policy is downstream from corporate governance is weak shit indeed when trans people of color or trans immigrants are still under the heel of the state. The recuperation of movements for liberation into emerging markets does not will equal rights into being, least of all for those most marginalized by society. Equal rights are gained when they are demanded.

This song is about all of that, and about my experience living with it and through it. It’s called “Thank You For Your Service.” I’m going to put it up on Bandcamp and all of the proceeds will go towards Immigration Equality. I also made a lyric video in order to make myself absolutely clear.

This song is on an album I wrote and recorded called Recurring Dream. I’m going to release it later this year.